Can Artificial Intelligence Make Wise Hiring Decisions?
In this video clip, Business Psychologist Gary Dumais shares his views about Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used to make hiring and other Human Resource decisions.
In this video clip, Business Psychologist Gary Dumais shares his views about Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used to make hiring and other Human Resource decisions.
What is decision resilience? Decision resilience is NOT about leaders showing “the courage of their convictions” or sticking with a decision when faced with challenges – I consider that to be resolve, or in some instances, inflexibility. Rather, decision resilience (as I define it) refers to how resilient a decision-maker’s brain is to misperceiving reality […]
Companies often do internet searches on job candidates, and consider what they find on social media when making hiring decisions. For example: “The candidate had a great resume and interviewed well, but Human Resources didn’t like what was said about him on Twitter, so we didn’t hire.” As a Business Psychologist specializing in assessing candidates, I […]